INTERNAL ONLY- Punch-Shear Programming: Fundamentals of S4 Code
Learn the fundamentals of the Salvagnini Punch_shear Technology. This course will focus on the numerical control code to teach you how to create a finished blank for your system.
This course will teach you how to write, produce, and adjust a program based on different material properties.
- How to write and modify a S4 test program
Learn in our Campus with a dedicated terminal per user, and utilize the software to aid in making part programs that are ready to test on your system. Learn on the same software that is available with your system purchase.
- Office Console and Program Editor
- SimulX
Course Length: 2 days
Event Details
Start time: 08:30 a.m. EDT
End time: 04:30 p.m. EDT
Phone: 513-316-4294