Onsite Maintenance Training (Single Machine)


Daily Class start time: 7:30 am | Class end time: 3:30pm | One hour lunch

A classroom is required with a connectable display for theoretical portions of the course.  The Salvagnini system is needed for 50% of the course duration.

*Email pablo.malaver@salvagnini.com with any questions.

Minimum of two employees needed to schedule a course.

Dates will be determined and offered via email once you complete the checkout process and a purchase order has been received.

You can upload a purchase order in the checkout/registration page. Price shown in the cart is all inclusive.

Select the number of employees below and then click on “Book Seats Now”


Course Length: 2 days

Training Location: At your facility.

This course is intended for the maintenance personnel and technicians new to the system.

The course will cover every aspect of the machines and preventative maintenance.  It will begin with the Human Machine Interface (HMI) that pertains to that system, and how to navigate all of the menus and features of the software.

Training available on current showroom equipment:

  • Salvagnini FACE HMI

All the information needed to correctly navigate in and out of the physical machines. How to work with all of the safety devices is also an important lesson.  Properly starting and shutting down the equipment is covered in detail.  It is also important to understand the different types messages.  This includes all of the manual commands that are available along with any peripheral components.

The next part of the course will focus on the preventative maintenance list of the specific system. We will incorporate the use of the on-board Maintenance Manager application that will aid in keeping track of maintenance items.  The Preventative Maintenance chapter will be utilized along with guiding the worker to the indicated point on the system for each item. The lubrication and cleaning will be performed when possible.

Event Details

Start time: 08:30 a.m. EDT

End time: 04:30 p.m. EDT

Venue: Onsite at your facility

Email: pablo.malaver@salvagnini.com