Daily Class start time: 8:30 am | Class end time: 4:30pm | One hour lunch
Customers coming to Salvagnini America for training are responsible for all lodging, transportation, and meals during the training course.
*Email pablo.malaver@salvagnini.com with any questions.
Minimum of two employees needed to schedule a course.
Dates will be determined and offered via email once you complete the checkout process and a purchase order has been received.
You can upload a purchase order in the checkout/registration page.
Select the number of employees below and then click on “Book Seats Now”
Course Description
To ensure the safety of the machine and prevent damage, the responsible participants need to have gone through a full programming class and have at least one year of experience programming the Salvagnini Panel Bender.
The ABS code is useful to create bends that are outside the protected limits of normal commands. The programmer learns how to command an absolute position to the bending tools in a safe manner.
For Experienced Active Programmers ONLY. Disclaimer must be signed by officer of the company. The Advanced Panel Bender Programming course may be a pre-requisite.
Target: Introduce the programmer to the ABS Specifier command, and its capabilities in creating special profiles using a safe process. Note: No collision protections are present when using ABS functions.
Free positioning of the bending unit and associated options
Topics include:
- ABS command
- Profile command routine
- Options
- Blank-holder height
- Bending speed
- Manipulator shift
- CLA and P Tool where applicable
ABS Bend profiles to be learned and used in exercises:
- T+U profile
- U profiles
- T profile
- Dragging profiles
Programming exercises
Participants will create programs for specific profiles to be run on the machine available. Safety measures will be taken to ensure everyone gets a chance to make a profile. Practice blanks will be prepared for these exercises.
Customer specific parts will not be programmed, as this would require additional support.
The first two days is for code commands only. The third day has been added to integrate the programming software if requested.
Software packages available: STREAMBEND EDIT/AUTO
Or EditP4
The participants will use the CAM & ABS Functions to aid in the creation of an ABS program.
Therefore, all participants must have a working knowledge of the programming software prior to attending this class session. Only one software package per class will be considered.
Learn in our Campus with a dedicated terminal per user and utilize the software to aid in making part programs that are ready to test on your Panel Bender.
Course Length: 3 days
Event Details
Start time: 08:30 a.m. EDT
End time: 04:30 p.m. EDT
Venue: Salvagnini America Campus
Directions: 27 Bicentennial Court Hamilton, OH 45015
Email: Pablo.Malaver@salvagnini.com